It was a great pleasure co hosting the “Workforce of the Future ” roundtable session yesterday with the weSTEM Community and Engineering IDBE Committee of New York University Abu Dhabi Students and Lean In | Equity & Sustainability with Asma Almani ,Emma ,Mohammad Qasaimeh ,Chaimae Abouzahir .
Our discussions evolved around 3 main areas:
-What will the workforce of the Future look like and how can youth help shape this to align with their ambitions
-Diversity and inclusion in STEM .How can groups like weSTEM and Lean in Equity and Sustainability drive awareness and create impact in the DEI space.
-The ideal Workplace -career path . What would that look like in 10 and 20 years from now for undergraduate and postgraduate students .
Big thank you to @Emma Miklasova , Chaimae Abouzahir, Mohammad Qasaimeh for organizing the event and the amazing energy and discussions .
Looking forward to the next exciting session.
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Sustainability Switch Consultancy